AssAlamualaikUm syg2,

salam alaik, :) First and foremost, i want to beg u oll with an extreme and zillions apologies because it had been so long i didnt write any post here. I am so sorry. BZ. then, lupa password bagai. Credit to little cute SYAMIMI ROSLAND sbb she ada mentioned about the password and email on her comment in FB a long long time ago. *tadi scroll down. ahaks.
btw, it's nothing to share about, just wanna share about a happy feeling. aritu kluar ngan pah and onie. even though, sgt sedih aliaa zuebay and bas xdapat kluar skali due to so-called technical problem. HAHA. it is a great outing. we had funny chit chat together. movie yg super awesome. and that's all. that day, PAH WAS FASTING. so, only onie and I had lunch together. i can't describe here, but i'm sure until now, it had been so long GBZ xsembang2 mcm tuu. miss it so much.feel wanna cry sbb dah xdak kawan cam hampa smua. even kat KMB ni, sangatlah xbest sebab xdak kawan cam GBZ. the only GBZ. nobody can replace all of you. you've got the 'title'.
DEAR AINAA, DEXTER, ALIAA,EDAY,AUZUK. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY. i'm so sorry for the late wish, but don't worry, ur special birthday never disappear. always remember. just time do its job as a barrier and make me struggle to climb up the barrier to wish all of you. SELAMAT 19 TAHUN.:)

sorry again. bz sgt2 kat IB ni, masok IB dah xingat dunia org lain. hee. so i noe that u guys understand well.
best of luck to all of you in striving to be a good student with a good result. Success dont wait for us until it sees we work so hard. we are capable.:) just, remember this, Allah will provide. don't feel down, it is just a feeling. don't make it overpower us. keep moving")
i think that's all. happy for today. i hope that my writing to you will carve a smile under your nose. :)

1 comment:

enaa said...

Thanks myra :')
Miss u <3